in the yard

The chemicals used around homes and cottages can affect our rivers and lakes. Untreated runoff from these areas enters water bodies from storm drains. Please take care when handling and disposing of chemicals and other waste materials so that they do not end up in our water bodies.

  • When watering your lawn, adjust sprinklers so they are not watering the house, sidewalk, or street.

  • Only apply water your soil can absorb, and aerate your lawn at least once a year so water can reach the roots.

  • Check outdoor faucets, sprinklers, and hoses for leaks.

  • When installing a lawn, pick a turf mix or blend that matches your climate and site conditions. Shrubs and ground covers are ideal for hard-to-water areas.

  • Allow leaf litter to accumulate on the soil. This helps to retain moisture.

  • Water in the morning or evening to reduce evaporation.

  • Use a rain gauge or can, to measure rainfall on your lawn, and adjust watering accordingly. Your lawn only needs 1" of water each week.

  • Avoid watering your lawn on windy days.

  • Buy a rain barrel for collecting rainwater to use for watering plants.

  • To reduce evaporation, use sprinklers that spray water close to the ground rather than those that shoot out.

  • Do not apply herbicides if rain or wind is in the forecast! Spot spray dandelions instead of applying herbicides or an herbicide-fertilizer mix over the whole lawn.

  • Washing your car in the street sends all your soap and oil right to the river. Go to a car wash that recycles or treats their water.

  • Keep your vehicle motors in good running condition. When it rains, those driveway spills are drained into the storm sewer.