Alberta Conservation Association

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Please join us in Taber January 31, Twin Butte February 10 or Stavely March 1!

The Oldman Watershed Council is excited to introduce a new brand of events called Voices of the Oldman.  These events are an important opportunity to have your voice heard both locally and provincially. What we hear at these events will shape our projects and also the advice we give to the Government of Alberta. 

Willow Stakes & Fence Posts : Backcountry Restoration Event 2016

Willow Stakes & Fence Posts : Backcountry Restoration Event 2016

What does it look like when a community rallies together - to protect drinking water and fish habitat, forging first-hand connections with the source of our river - while simultaneously making new friends? Broad smiles, muddy boots, and a gratifying sense of accomplishment, that’s what! Write-up and great photos here! 

Headwaters Action Plan – We've Come A Long Way!

Headwaters Action Plan – We've Come A  Long Way!

Strategically ... what's behind all the OWC activity? How do we decide which actions to take, what advice to provide government with ... and who says? Here's an update from Larin Guenther, OWC's Planning Manager. HAP, HAT, PAN ... and other need-to-know acronyms unpacked.